Tuesday, July 19, 2016

Did a London hotel room become part of Yugoslavia?

It's long been claimed that Winston Churchill temporarily gave a London hotel room to Yugoslavia so a prince could be born on Yugoslav territory. But finding evidence to support the story is hard, and perhaps impossible.

The Americans who 'adopt' other people's embryos

Couples who struggle to conceive a child are sometimes given the option of using a donated embryo. In the US this is commonly referred to as "embryo adoption", particularly at Christian clinics, where it is regarded as saving a life -

The homework that inspires horror in families

Homework can sometimes be a nightmare - for both children and their parents. In France the ritual of copying out poems and learning them by heart is no exception and can fill whole families with horror, writes Joanna Robertson in Paris.

Handgun prizes for 'Fittest on Earth' causes controversy

Channing Tatum is a fan. So is Cameron Diaz. And Paul Ryan, the Speaker of the US House of Representatives, starts his day with an intensive CrossFit workout.
To its fans CrossFit is a hardcore way to stay healthy, but for its detractors it is a brutally demanding gimmick that inspires cult-like reverence. And it's only around 20 years old; a truly millennial fitness regime.